Monday, 1 February 2010

Employee Engagement

What makes a world class business team?

A question I’m sure CEO’s, Business Owners and Team Trainers ask themselves every day.
I know my parents do as business owners and over the last 35yrs they have seen the rewards of high performing teams as well as the downsides of unengaged teams.

After completing an informal survey of industry leaders I just wanted to share with you the 5 points from their personal experience and my tips from training & development of high performing teams.

1. Inspiring Leaders
2. Level Playing Field
3. One Cause
4. Recognition & Development
5. Striving to improve

Inspiring leaders: Below is a great video of Steve Ballmer from Microsoft inspiring his work force at a conference.
Not everyone needs to be like this but all staff need an inspiring, innovating and thought provoking boss that they can look up to and provide them with knowledge to do a better job.

Level Playing Field: The door is always open with my Father and all of his employees know that they can come and chat with him anytime of day. If you don’t have time for the small fires then suddenly it turns into an inferno!
Every day employees come up with great ideas that can make or save thousands of pounds for companies so it’s crucial to be open and empathetic.
Everyone needs to be in charge of their own destiny, so if employees have their own responsibilities things are less likely to go wrong as it will fall on their head rather than a manager!

One Cause: Everyone on this team (Video Below) has one goal, they all have a personal drive and it means as much to the team members as it does for the boss.

Team dynamics are crucial and one bad egg can really effect the teams overall communication. It’s therefore important to make sure that everyone is on the same playing field.

Recognition & Development: Individuals perform better when they have goals to work towards. If their career path is clear and development is part of their package they will always strive to out perform, especially if related back to performance pay!

Striving to Improve: Great teams are always looking to improve their processes. It’s an ever changing business environment and successful teams are always changing with the trends. Look how companies are using social media to engage with employees. A couple of years ago you would have been laughed out of the CEO’s office for suggesting the use of Facebook for an internal communications campaign!

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